July 12, 2010

Hall of Fame … Yes or No?

Entry into Racing’s Hall of Fame is the ultimate honor a Thoroughbred horse can achieve. As a racing fan, I always enjoy thinking about who may, or may not, become Hall of Famers. There is a five year waiting period after retirement, but let’s jump the gun and take a look at the cases for our current stars.

Gio Ponti has work to do. He has the advantage of being an Eclipse winner in both the older male and turf divisions, but if his career ended today, I believe the answer would be no. Another Arlington Million victory, or a first BC win would make the consistent, multiple grade 1 winner hard to turn away from the Hall’s front door.
***The remainder of today's column can be found on Youbet.com*** Click Here


C T Coleman said...

im sorry big brown gets the baseball treatment he dose not get in...you cheat your out

NetworkEmpowerment said...

C T,

Many, many more horses through the last decade were on some type of medication. It is not like BB was the only horse.


I agree with a lot of you choices. Recent horse that I know are going to get in are RA, Zen, and Curlin. SS might be able to get in their too. I know he wasn't a three year old champ, but we can blame that on Curlin. Any other year a win in the Derby and Travers would not have been beaten. Plus he is the only horse to get the BCJ and Derby.